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Export Consultants Mastery Program Graduation Ceremony Celebrates Success


A Transformative Journey Concludes in Kyiv On May 22nd, 2024, the culmination of a remarkable journey unfolded in the heart of Kyiv, Ukraine. The Visionest Institute proudly hosted the graduation and closing ceremony of the Export Consultants Mastery Program, marking the end of a transformative nine months for 57 participants. Building on Past Success This […]

A Transformative Journey Concludes in Kyiv

On May 22nd, 2024, the culmination of a remarkable journey unfolded in the heart of Kyiv, Ukraine. The Visionest Institute proudly hosted the graduation and closing ceremony of the Export Consultants Mastery Program, marking the end of a transformative nine months for 57 participants.

Building on Past Success

This program follows the highly successful Train the Trainers program, which garnered recognition as a top ten finalist in the European ETF Innovative Training & Learning Award 2022. The Train the Trainers program has produced over 120 qualified consultants in the past two years. Visionest Institute, with the esteemed support of the U.S. Department of State’s Office of the Coordinator of U.S. Assistance Programs in Europe and Eurasia and the Estonian Centre for International Development (ESTDEV), continues to foster a generation of skilled export consultants for Ukraine through the Export Consultants Mastery Program.

Empowering Consultants in Challenging Times

The program’s core objective was to equip public and private sector export consultants with the tools necessary to bolster the export capacity of Ukrainian companies, even amidst the ongoing war. The program’s unique “two-pillar” approach simultaneously fostered both exporting and consulting expertise among participants.

A Rigorous Learning Experience

The program commenced with intense competition. Nearly 300 applications poured in from all corners of Ukraine, vying for the coveted 60 spots. Stringent selection criteria, including a minimum of two years of export experience, ensured a cohort of highly qualified participants.

Once selected, participants embarked on an intensive educational journey. Participants were divided into 10 regional teams, fostering friendly competition throughout the program. Each module included video learning materials, interactive online workshops, real-world projects with diverse Ukrainian SMEs and invaluable mentoring sessions with international experts from the UK, Germany, Finland, and Estonia. 

Impactful Real-World Projects

The program wasn’t merely theoretical. Participants tackled real-world challenges by providing free consultations to 70 Ukrainian SMEs, significantly enhancing their export capabilities. The graduating teams presented their accomplishments, showcasing innovative solutions and the tangible results achieved for Ukrainian businesses. Several teams, under the guidance of alumni mentors, even secured foreign buyers for their clients, fostering new international partnerships.

Graduation Day: A Celebration of Achievements

The graduation day was a whirlwind of activity full of positive energy. The day began with final thesis defences by each team. International mentors Anu-Mall Naarits and Andrew Paterson on-site and, Jean Sutton with Artem Daniliants virtually provided invaluable feedback.

Each presentation was a testament to the hard work and creativity of the graduating teams. The overall atmosphere of the support was extremely powerful. But alongside unity, the competitive spirit remained alive until the very end by the time of the announcement of the winning team of the program – Rivne team.

The official ceremony added a touch of grandeur to the day. Esteemed guests and partners, including representatives from the Estonian Embassy in Kyiv (Senior Counsellor Triin Parts and Economic Counsellor Ando Rehemaa), the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv (Assistant Coordinator Karrie Peterson and Assistant Specialist Yadviha Hetun), and the Ukrainian Enterprise and Export Promotion Office (EEPO) (Deputy Director Oleksiy Grushetskyi, a Train the Trainers program alumnus), graced the occasion with their presence.

A Show of Solidarity and Support

The dedication of Anu-Mall Naarits (Visionest Institute CEO), Kati Järg (Project Manager), and Andrew Peterson deserves special recognition. They made a decision to travel personally to Ukraine from Estonia for this Graduation event despite the risks of the ongoing war in Ukraine. Their commitment to support Ukraine is extended far beyond the program. The Visionest Institute team helped transport two convoys of vehicles from Tallinn to Kyiv, deliver critical supplies to Ukrainian fighters on the front lines.

A Community Forged in Purpose

The graduation ceremony transcended the mere awarding of certificates. It was a vibrant celebration of unity, resilience, and a shared passion for propelling Ukrainian exports forward. As graduates embraced, shared laughter, and exchanged stories – no longer through computer screens, but in person – the room crackled with an undeniable energy. In that moment, they weren’t just consultants; they were a community bound by a shared purpose – to empower Ukrainian businesses and illuminate a brighter export future for the nation.

Thanks to all for this atmosphere and unforgettable 9-month course! We strongly believe that today`s alumni will foster and support Ukrainian SMEs in their direction to export!

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